Documentation can test some labelord function to see how they works.

For example it checks function `convert_time(*string)`’ for printing link to GitHub repository:

>>> convert_str_to_link("stejsle1/lab01")

More information about function `convert_time(*string)`’ is in API

Next example shows how to print messages. In case application in verbose mode add label 'Need vacation' with color 'FFFFFF' into repository 'stejsle1/myNewSummerRepo':

printextra(2, "stejsle1/myNewSummerRepo; Need vacation; FFFFFF", "ADD", 0)

it prints:

[ADD][SUC] stejsle1/myNewSummerRepo; Need vacation; FFFFFF

In case application in normal mode update label 'Unbreakable' with color '123456' to color '654321' into repository 'stejsle1/myNewWinterRepo' it prints nothing because application in normal mode prints only errors to stderr and summary to stdout.

So if same command ends with error 422 - Validation Failed:

printextra(1, "stejsle1/myNewWinterRepo; Unbreakable; 654321; 422 - Validation Failed", "UPD", 1)

it prints out:

ERROR: UPD; stejsle1/myNewWinterRepo; Unbreakable; 654321; 422 - Validation Failed

In normal mode module prints out a summary (with 2 errors) message:

>>> printextra(4+1, str(2) + ' error(s) in total, please check log above', '', 1)
SUMMARY: 2 error(s) in total, please check log above

Flawless case of summary report in verbose mode:

>>> printextra(4+2, str(3) + ' repo(s) updated successfully', '', 0)
[SUMMARY] 3 repo(s) updated successfully

In quiet mode application prints nothing, neither summary message.